Guide for Web Managers
This page is intended for web managers who will be constructing the social links landing page (ie. missions). It’ll guide you through adding, configuring, and deleting content a social links landing page.
Add a New Mission
From the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to the Social Links > Settings sub-menu in the admin sidebar on the left hand side.
Click the Add Mission button to add a new mission to the site. This will show a form wherein you can configure the mission and its corresponding page. Add a mission name, website URL, choose the display settings (grid of images or list), and provide links to the mission’s social media properties. Note that since the mission name will be used as the mission page’s title, you must provide a mission name before saving the form.
If you wish to display an avatar image on the new mission’s page, follow the instructions for configuring an avatar.
When the form is complete to your satisfaction, click Save Changes to save the newly added mission. Once you’ve created a mission, its page will be located at the URL displayed at the top of the mission tab. If you wish to change the page’s permalink, follow the instructions for updating a permalink.
Update Permalink
Navigate to the plugin settings at Social Links > Settings. Proceed to the Danger Zone section near the bottom of the tab for the mission you wish to edit and can enter a new permalink.
Click on the Update Permalink button when you are finished, and the mission’s page will now be located at its new URL.
Configure an Avatar
Navigate to the plugin settings at Social Links > Settings. Click on the tab of the mission that you would like to edit and proceed to the Mission avatar label in the bottom half of the tab.
For a new mission or an unset avatar
If an avatar has not been previously set, click the Select an avatar image button, and the WordPress media uploader will open so that you can either upload an avatar image to the media library or select an existing image.
Once you’ve uploaded and/or selected an image, click the Use as avatar image button, which will close the uploader and return you to the mission’s tab. Click the Save Changes button to save your avatar selection.
An avatar set previously
If an avatar has been set previously, you can remove it by clicking on the Remove avatar image button or you can replace it with a different image by clicking the Change avatar image button, which will open the WordPress media uploader where you can upload and/or select a new image.
After making your selection, click the Use as avatar image button, which will close the uploader and return you to the mission’s tab. Click the Save Changes button to save your new avatar selection.
Remove a Mission
Navigate to the plugin settings at Social Links > Settings. Click on the tab of the mission that you would like to remove. At the bottom of the mission tab, click on the Remove This Mission button in the Danger Zone section.