Serverless Functions

This page serves as a reference for all of the Lambda functions that handle the data flow through out the application.

Retrieve Admin Users


This operation returns a list of all users authorized to invite guest users.

Retrieve Teams


This operation returns a list of all teams.

Retrieve Guest Users


This operation returns a list of all users authorized for guest uploading.

Admin User Create

This operation authorizes the provided email to add new guest users.

flowchart TD A[Receive new admin email address] B[Check if user is already an admin] A --> B C[NO: Add user to the list of admins] D[YES: Inform the user they are already an admin] B --> C B --> D

Admin User Edit


This operation updates information for an existing admin user.

Team Create


This operation creates a new Commons team.

Provision Credentials

This operations generates and securely stores the temporary password for the

flowchart TD A[Receive guest and admin email addresses] B[Check if guest already has credentials] A --> B C[NO: Generate password, salt, and hash] D[YES: Notify admin that access already granted] B --> C B --> D E["Save data 1. Guest password, salt, and email 2. admin-guest association"] F["Send notifications 1. Email guest their password 2. Notify admin password sent"] C --> E E --> F

Retrieve Salt

This operation retrieves the salt used when generating a user’s password salt.

flowchart TD A[Receive guest email address] B[Check if provided email is in the DB] A --> B C[YES: Send salt to login app] D[NO: Notify guest they do not have access] B --> C B --> D

Upload File(s)


This operation handles the uploading of user files to an S3 bucket where they are scanned for malware.

Send Notification


This operation sends an email notification.