Serverless Functions
This page serves as a reference for all of the Lambda functions that handle the data flow through out the application.
Retrieve Admin Users
This operation returns a list of all users authorized to invite guest users.
Retrieve Teams
This operation returns a list of all teams.
Retrieve Guest Users
This operation returns a list of all users authorized for guest uploading.
Admin User Create
This operation authorizes the provided email to add new guest users.
Admin User Edit
This operation updates information for an existing admin user.
Team Create
This operation creates a new Commons team.
Provision Credentials
This operations generates and securely stores the temporary password for the
Retrieve Salt
This operation retrieves the salt used when generating a user’s password salt.
Upload File(s)
This operation handles the uploading of user files to an S3 bucket where they are scanned for malware.
Send Notification
This operation sends an email notification.